A Roman holiday: day 2 (I)

Our second day in Rome began with a visit to Trevi Fountain. The walk from the Barberini metro station to Trevi Fountain is a short one but I found plenty along the way to click. This was the first time I was seeing Rome in proper daylight and I was as fascinated by the colours of the buildings as their textures. Parts of Rome felt as if an artist had taken Paris and had applied a grunge filter to it in Photoshop.

Colours and texturesColours and textures

I heard Trevi Fountain before I saw it. It wasn’t the trickle of a fountain that I heard, it was the roar of a waterfall. That should’ve prepared me for the scale of what I was about to see but it didn’t. My jaw dropped at the sight of the 4-storey building they call a mere fountain.

Trevi FountainTrevi Fountain

Hundreds of coins were lying on the fountain’s floor. According to local legend, throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain is supposed to bring you back to Rome. We didn’t throw any, but we’ll probably return to throw one in.

Coins thrown into Trevi FountainCoins thrown into Trevi Fountain

Our next stop was the Pantheon. On the way we came across a structure that looked suspiciously like it, but it wasn’t the real thing.

Pantheon (not!)Pantheon (not!)

We also came across a closed shop that specialised in pendulum clocks. Christiaan Huygens would have been delighted. If you stare at the picture for a minute, you can actually hear the clocks tick in your head.

Christiaan Huygens delightChristiaan Huygens delight

December 14, 2011