Prague ✈ Amsterdam

Some random observations from our flight back to Amsterdam from Prague.

Czech Airlines’ ads had imagery that felt a bit odd for an airline ad. A commercial flight in which you get to experience zero gravity cannot be a very happy a one:

The sort of things you don’t want to see on an airlines’ posterThe sort of things you don’t want to see on an airlines’ poster

The in-flight sales catalog had a section dedicated to cigarettes. Dire warnings were plastered in big lettering. If this is the extent of their concern for smokers’ health, I wonder why they bother selling it on the flight anyway?

Well if you are so concerned, why are you selling it?Well if you are so concerned, why are you selling it?

As our flight entered the Netherlands, we could see green fields with endless rows of windmills wind turbines through the clouds. They are quite a sight from that height:

On way to the Schiphol airportOn way to the Schiphol airport

On way to the Schiphol airportOn way to the Schiphol airport

I wish one could stop a flight mid-air, roll down the windows, and compose that perfect shot. Perhaps this is what the aforementioned Czech Airlines ad was trying to tell me?

December 4, 2011