Photoblog: Photo #1

While the long-form travel related posts will continue, I wanted to start posting some pictures that don’t have a story or other thematically similar pictures to go with them. Most of them are going to be from Amsterdam (and from my phone, which is incidentally about the only camera I am using these days). I am looking to get at least 2 photos a week out. But we’ll see — no pressure.

Besides being biker friendly, Amsterdam is a very pet friendly city too. It’s often both at the same time as the sight of a biker walking a dog on the leash is all too common here. It might sound cruel, but from the look of it both parties seem to enjoy it. As is bound to happen in a busy city, the pets get lost sometimes. It breaks my heart to see posters announcing someone’s pet going missing. The posters follow more or less the same template:


[insert cute photo of dog/cat]

Name of the dog Contact details of the owner

We’d seen these posters about a cute dog called Poppy around central station. Turns out that they were a publicity campaign for the British film Sightseers:

February 19, 2013