Barry Lyndon
I read about Barry Lyndon in an article on about the f/0.7 lens that Kubric used for shooting low light scenes (illuminated entirely by candles) in the movie. Visually, the movie was a feast for the eyes. Each frame looked like a Pastoral painting that I could’ve printed and hung on the wall.
However, at 3 hours long, the movie’s pacing was a little flaccid - except towards the end, when it felt a little rushed. The movie actually had an intermission around the 90-minute mark (announced with opening bars of Schubert’s Impromptu No. 1 — great choice). The biggest letdown however, was the acting. Ryan O’Neal maintained more or less the same unmoving expression of a deer in headlights throughout his scenes and with the story centred on him, there isn’t much the others could do to salvage the situation.
Musically, the movie was a treat. It didn’t have an original score, but the western classical and Irish folk pieces Kubric selected, fit nicely with the overall theme of the film. This Spotify playlist sums it up nicely, but if you have time for just one track, listen to the second movement of Schubert’s piano trio #2.
p.s. Even the formula one driver Mark Webber could’ve done a better job, and he doesn’t even get paid for acting. (Exhibit #1: Webber’s Canberra Milk Ads — he can even sing).
p.p.s. iTunes wouldn’t let me take screenshots of rented movies. Fortunately there is the phone’s camera.
p.p.p.s. This is the 300th post on this blog. Can’t believe I’ve been able to keep it up for 11 years (earlier on blogspot, before settling on the vanity domain).
p.p.p.p.s. The article. Barry Lyndon trailer.