Photoblog: Photo #28 — A perfect day
Imagine a Matrix-like future where we are kept captive by machines. To keep us compliant, the machines project an elaborate simulation onto our minds, making us believe that we are going about our lives like humans have for hundreds of years. Now occasionally, your mind senses that something is amiss and tries to wake up from the illusion. The machines are programmed to detect even slightest of such perturbation and address it immediately by rifling through your memories, picking out the most perfect day of your life and playing it back to you. In my case, the said machines will settle on this past Friday. It was a strangely calm day. In Amsterdam, where strong winds buffet you continuously, it felt out of place. It was as if the air had been replaced with another viscous, transparent fluid and bodies reprogrammed to breathe in it. The temperature felt perfect too. If I had a knob that regulated the city’s temperature, I myself wouldn’t have been able to dial it to such a perfect setting. The light at this time of the year is very pleasing and the absence of clouds for most part, meant a glorious sunrise and sunset. I don’t remember any remarkable achievements - personal or professional - that I can attribute to this day. In fact, for all this talk of the light being beautiful, I didn’t have time to take pictures, and the swimming class (that resumed after a break of 6 weeks), thanks to all the chlorine or whatever disinfectant they put in public swimming pools these days, left my eyes painfully irritated. And yet, there was something about the Friday (there better be right? something atavistic about the perfect last day of summer?) that makes me want to live it again (Groundhog Day style).
Clearly I’ve been reading too much science fiction.
p.s. I was thinking of music that I would set this day to, and I instinctively reached for Netru Aval Irunthal from Maryan (pardon ze cheezy grafix okthanx).