Cherry blossoms and rose-ringed parakeets

Come spring and the cherry blossoms are among the first ones to bloom in Amsterdam’s Westerpark. Last year, a few more of these had been planted along the pedestrian path near the entrance. They looked spectacular this spring.

Cherry BlossomCherry Blossom

They also seemed to attract a lot of parakeets who feasted relentlessly on their flowers. Were the parakeets not moving, I would’ve mistaken them for an exotic tropical fruit growing amongst the cherry blossoms.

A parakeet amidst cherry blossomsA parakeet amidst cherry blossoms

A parakeet amidst cherry blossomsA parakeet amidst cherry blossoms

A parakeet amidst cherry blossomsA parakeet amidst cherry blossoms

A video showing the havoc they wreaked.

May 22, 2021