Florence Cathedral

At 90€ for a round-trip per person, the train ride from Rome to Florence doesn’t come cheap. But the lure of seeing Michelangelo’s David won and on a cool November morning, we found ourselves in Florence.

Here’s the first set of pictures of the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore. I don’t think I’ve seen something this intricate at this scale. I’d probably not be saying this if Taj Mahal wasn’t a distant childhood memory but whenever I visit next, I know what the Taj will be up against:

The enormous and intricate façade of the cathedral at FlorenceThe enormous and intricate façade of the cathedral at Florence

The enormous and intricate façade of the cathedral at FlorenceThe enormous and intricate façade of the cathedral at Florence

The enormous and intricate façade of the cathedral at FlorenceThe enormous and intricate façade of the cathedral at Florence

Giotto’s CampanileGiotto’s Campanile

There was something about the marble of the cathedral’s floor that caused me to stare at it mesmerised:

The marble floor insideThe marble floor inside

The marble floor insideThe marble floor inside

The marble floor insideThe marble floor inside

The figures in the fresco painted on the dome, sometimes create a head-spinning illusion of being 3-dimensional figurines looking down on you:

The Last JudgementThe Last Judgement

The fresco painted on the domeThe fresco painted on the dome

Whenever I see an old couple now, The Beatles’ When I am 64’ starts looping in my head even if the couple in question is decidedly older:

When I’m 64When I’m 64

My most enduring memory of the Cathedral is that of its walls bathed in sunlight…

The enormous and intricate façade of the cathedral at FlorenceThe enormous and intricate façade of the cathedral at Florence

…and these bicycles parked outside

My most enduring memory of the visit to the cathedralMy most enduring memory of the visit to the cathedral

January 12, 2012