Quarantine Diaries, Day 16

22:30 The dishes are done! Was listening to the recent episode of Peter Attia’s Podcast. No matter which way you slice the numbers, Covid-19 is going to extract a large toll.

21:00 Yesterday we finished watching Giri Haji on Netflix. Worth a watch, especially if you don’t want to commit yourself to a multi-season TV series. Talking of multi-year, multi-season TV series, we are enjoying Better Call Saul episodes that land each Tuesday. I find Vince Gilligan’s lingering pacing very comforting.

19:15 The Government here just announced an extension of the lockdown till 28 Apr.

18:30 Met my book club over a group video chat. We were reading The Box. After about the first three or so chapters, it was a pretty dry read. I couldn’t finish it. The book got too bogged down in the minutiae of Governmental, bureaucratic and corporate maneuvers that hindered and accelerated adoption of containers. Great potential, poor execution.

Marc Levinson - The BoxMarc Levinson - The Box

Our next book is the very topical World War Z.

Even though I draw a lot of solace from reading, it has had to take a backseat. My eyes are too tired after a full day of staring at the laptop screen. Meeting time used to be downtime from looking at the screen. Now that all meetings (including those with friends) are taking place over video, there are just not enough breaks in the day.

11:30 Learned during a conversation with a colleague that a small bakery operating from Westerpark is open for takeaway. Might pay them a visit. After 2+ weeks of sitting at home, thinking of going even that far feels like what planning for a vacation in Japan would have felt like during normal days. I was a bit of a homebody to start with, but still surprised at how quickly my mental perimeter is shrinking.

March 31, 2020