Spring Snow

Come May and the elm trees in Amsterdam disperse clumps of their seeds into the air. A thin, pale-white veneer of these seeds settles down on the streets and in the canals. The phenomena is fondly known here as spring snow”.

It’s been an unseasonably cold May in Western Europe. When we were in Munich early last month, the weather forecast said that it would snow in the Bavarian alps; a mere hour’s train ride from Munich. Naturally, We took the train next morning and were treated to an unusual landscape. All signs pointed to it being spring - the green trees, the cherry blossoms, and yet everything was covered in several inches of snow.

A short trek into the mountains and the snow at least didn’t look completely out of place.

We sat in a cafe by the lake and enjoyed a leisurely lunch while real spring snow fell from the sky.

June 23, 2019
